Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9th update

Just a quick update to say all is going well. Laurie has not been very hungry lately but is following doctor’s orders and eating small snacks and meals as she needs the extra protein for strength. Today is the first day she only has to take her regular vitamins and no other prescriptions meds, even though she does have the anti nausea meds if she needs them. The first night was the roughest, as we were not sure which medicine to use first.

We want to thank Joan and Meredith from Floris ES for providing our meal Tuesday night which included wonderful homemade chile, corn bread, salad and decadent Scotcheroos! (Rice Krispies with butterscotch, chocolate chips peanut butter and chocolate icing on top). Y’all are really spoiling us!

We are still not sure when her nadir will occur. Nadir is when the blood counts drop to their lowest during each cycle and affects white and red blood cell counts as well as platelet counts. This is when she is most susceptible to germs and infection. Normally nadir starts 7 days after the chemo treatments and continues for up to 10-14 days but since she is taking Neulasta, which promotes white blood cell growth, the time of lower counts may be shorter. She goes back to the doctor Monday for blood work which will clue us in as to what her levels are.

Laurie has been exercising on the treadmill but did not have the energy yesterday but says she will try to do some today even if it's a shorter time. Her goal for today is to try to access her work email and catch up a little on that.

Last night we were treated to dinner by John McCook from Oak Hill ES. We had baked lasagna, tossed salad and chocolate/blondie brownies for dessert. Thanks John! I never knew you were such a great cook! And many thanks to Tammy for her timely delivery service!

We would also like to thank Donna, Margaret and Martha for the informational as well as inspirational books. They have proven to be great resources as far as knowing what to expect and reminding us that God is with us thoughout all of this. Thanks so much for your support!

I’ll update you again Monday following the results from the blood work. The next couple of days are going to be busy with all the kids’ sports and scouting activities. Many thanks to all of you have helped with car pools. You are life savers!

Your continued prayers and good thoughts really mean a lot to us. Keep ‘em coming!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forest and Laurie,
I am very impressed with the information that you provide all of us readers. You have removed some of the mystery. Your entire family is in my daily thoughts and prayers. Love Sheila R