Monday, March 16, 2009

Success! Check it off!

Hey everyone,

Laurie's cough is less frequent now and her blood work came back favorably so she was able to receive her last Adriamycin and Cytoxin chemo treatment today.

This is a great milestone in her road to recovery. Three weeks from today she will begin the next cycle of 12 weekly treatments of Taxol and Herceptin which should not impact her as severely as the Adriamycin and Cytoxin did. Her blood counts should not drop like they did during the first cycle and her susceptibility to infection should decrease allowing her to be the social butterfly we are all used to.

Last Tuesday the Floris ES fourth grade team provided us a great Mexican meal which included taco soup, tacos with all the fixings, Tostitos chips, corn muffins, chocolate chunk cookies and fried ice cream. I did not know that Breyers made fried ice cream. The entire meal was wonderful and so were the leftovers!

Thursday was Oak Hill's turn. Diane and Pam put together a wonderful meal of chicken and rice, green beans, carrots and turnips, tossed salad, Italian bread, chocolate chunk cookies and a two liter bottle of ginger ale.Someone must have leaked our love of chocolate chunk cookies to the world. Yum yum!

The whole family really appreciates the efforts and support from Floris ES and Oak Hill ES as well as that of Ox Hill Baptist Church. Not having to prepare a meal and getting the chance to relax for a few minutes really does help a lot!

Now that we have completed the first cycle of chemo we check that one off and anticipate the beginning of the next one. We know that we could not have made it through this time without the love and support from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the prayers and support we have received from so many of you. Thank you again for the love and support you have shown us!



The Coleman Family said...

HOORAY! Exciting news...

Anonymous said...

One step at at time...
WE will keep praying.
Love Ya, Harris Family
(well I guess this could be alot of people...Greg&Susan & Kids)

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!
Love, Sheila

The Kents said...

Great news! You are still in our prayers.