Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Laurie continues to improve!

Hey there!

Laurie continues to show signs of improvement. She is not needing the pain meds as often and is attempting to do little things around the house. Her spirits are good and we even went for a walk around the neighborhood today. We have another follow-up appointment Friday to remove the final two drains. TMI? Sorry!

We want to thank the people from Floris ES who put together a great meal last night. Meatloaf, potato casserole, corn pudding, fresh fruit, rolls and chocolate cake. Oh my! Everything was delicious and there are no leftovers. Sorry Ron!

We continue to be overwhelmed by your cards, prayers and support. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!



Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news! We'll keep praying for you as you return to normal, Laurie. But then, you've never really been "normal." You're spectacular! Hang in there.

Captain Ron said...

I am extremely pleased to hear that all is going so well with Laurie's recovery. Everyone has our entire support and if you need anything, please just ask. As for the leftovers... with the past Thanksgiving dinner I consumed, I'm better off not eating for a few days. :)