Wednesday, November 26, 2008

She's home!

Hey there,

Well, Laurie and her doctors came to a consensus that it was time for her to go home. She was looking quite good this morning when I arrived at her room and she told me that her surgeon had stopped by earlier and said she was all set to go home to some peace, and most importantly, some quiet. The hospital is no place to get some rest. At 10:30 the other surgeon came in to check on Laurie and prescribed “home health care” which the insurance company had already said was included as part of their coverage. The waiting began. For Laurie to be released from the hospital all doctor’s orders have to be confirmed by all parties that are to be responsible for her care once released. That included the home health care. I guess the people who represent the home health care company all went home early today like so many other employees in the area. Luckily the nurses gave Laurie her pain meds around 12:30 and 4:00 which kept Laurie relatively calm while we waited for the powers that be to get their act together so we could leave. The Readers Digest version of the rest of the day is that we finally left the hospital at 5:10 this afternoon. The nurses were finally authorized to fill me in on the care that Laurie will need and we were finally on our way. At least I was spending the time with my best friend in the world; my wife!

We got home at 5:45 and the saying is true; there’s no place like home! A couple days of rest and TLC should do wonders for Laurie as we begin our second phase of our quest for the cure.


Anonymous said...

That is great news! What a wonderful Thanksgiving blessing to have her home. We continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. Continue to keep your faith that God will see you through this. I sent hugs to all of you through Brooke this morning.


Anonymous said...

So glad you got to come home today, I'm sure seeing Forrest and the kids is much better than nurses and doctors. Get your rest and let your family take care of you. We love you all and will continue to pray for your recovery...

The Ossenforts

Karen and Vince said...

Great News, Home and family are the best medicine. Vince and I will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. You all take care of each other and get some rest.

Karen and Vince

Anonymous said...

great news! happy thanksgiving to you and your family!!